
Thoughts at 18 months old

One of things I’ve said many times, and I’ll say again, is that when Clara pulled through the dark stages I’d wonder what life would look like ahead of us. Would she be on TPN more or less than the many years they predicted? Would she be able to go to school? Walk? Talk? As…


Having a short gut baby means regular loose bowel movements are normal, sometimes restricting, often requiring extra considerations and planning. But for us gastroenteritis is a whole new level. Through diet and loperamide we’d managed to get Clara’s stools somewhat under control. There was still something I felt was a challenge though, we weren’t where…

Clara’s development at 15 months old

I know I say this every time but I still can’t believe I have a 15 month old daughter. It feels so old! And boy, oh boy, is Clara growing up. The 15 month mark seems to have brought on a massive development spurt for Clara. She had a number of unsettled days and nights…


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Acacia, Clara’s Mum

Hi, I’m Acacia.
I work a lot, cook a lot, and parent as best I can.

This blog is for sharing my thoughts and experiences with you as Clara grows older and we learn more about the world around us.

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